Crisis is the unusual state of an organization or individual, when the person’s reputation, money or life are threatened by that abnormal state.
A company is found by the customer to have a product with mass defects, or with incorrect origin as registered, being boycotted by the customer. A “sticky” scandan politician ran scores for his daughter. A Minister with a statement was “lost” and fiercely criticized by public opinion, in danger of “losing points” and losing his seat. An entertainment star was found to use drugs and was criticized by the public. A famous thermos factory burned, etc. All those events were considered crises.
In Vietnam, people often misinterpret the concept of communication about “media crisis”, and thus misinterpret the nature of communication (during crises). In fact, it should be called “crisis communication” to be true.
This is a science, the study of how to effectively communicate with the public before, during and after a crisis to protect the reputation, property, and lives of organizations and individuals.
Crisis communication is a science, dating back 30 years ago. In order for crisis communication to be effective, to achieve the goal of minimizing damage, the communicator must grasp the strategy. Strategy in English is stractegy, in Sino-Vietnamese can be understood as a ploy, the method is carefully calculated. To name it academically, can understand strategy as a technique. The Communication Strategy of Crisis can be understood as the Communication Technique of Crisis.
In order to master “Technique”, communicators must be carefully trained, have a deep expertise and have knowledge of many fields. At the same time, they must be those who have the heart and respect the work ethic.
English is lobby. Another similar concept is policy advocacy.
This is a common concept in developed countries. We are the first and pioneer Vietnamese organization globally to provide professional and effective lobbying services. Simply understood, we connect for customers wishing to meet and receive the support of leaders in other countries.
Over the past years, we have helped many organizations and individuals contact the national leaders of many countries to exchange and implement projects of business, investment and trade cooperation. In particular, many businesses, and some state agencies of Vietnam have been arranged for contact with political leaders, scientific academia, influential figures of Germany … to call for investment. , academic exchanges, and strengthening economic diplomacy.
BCS has a team of leading consultants and experts in Europe. Some scholars are German professors considered the world’s leading tree in strategic communication and crisis management. Some Vietnamese researchers and experts are living and working in Germany. Among them, some are already and are owners of businesses.
With such a strong team of advisors and experts, we believe you will possess the most advanced, “German” skills when choosing our crisis management training package.
We will equip students with the core theories, “bedside pillows” in crisis handling and strategic communication. At the same time, will learn by case study (case study) and practice with real situations. The learner will be “embedded” in a hypothetical crisis environment, under pressure as a real event, and find optimal solutions based on the academic theories well equipped in the course.
We can provide training courses in 3 languages: Vietnamese, English, and German, depending on customers’ preferences and preferences.
Email or call us to ask for a job. We have dedicated, dedicated, and professional professionals who will help you.
Please contact our experts immediately on the hotline on the website, or ask us to contact us. You will be satisfied with our service.
In crisis management, there is a commonly used term “golden time”. It can be understood literally as “golden moment”, or “golden moment”, with the meaning that in order to handle a crisis, it is necessary to grasp the optimal moment to handle. To pass by, the heavier the consequences, the greater the damage. Therefore, the sooner you come to us, the higher your ability to successfully handle the crisis and minimize the damage.
To help implement the crisis management strategies outlined by our expert experts, the application of information technology, namely big data and artificial intelligence (AI) is indispensable work.
On the one hand, we have a team of excellent IT experts graduated from leading technical schools in Germany who will perform crisis detection operations, explore sources of risks for customers on cyberspace, at the same time developing tools to help spread customer messages more widely.
On the other hand, we associate with many units that research and apply advanced techniques of Vietnam and Europe in the fields of communication engineering and information technology to have more reference data. From these data sources, combined with the data we have, the strategic experts of BCS will map out the overall crisis management strategy for customers.
As of October 2019, we have 36 excellent experts, selected with very high criteria, most of which are well trained from Germany.
Many of them are experts in strategic communication, crisis management, marketing; experts in the field of health – epidemics; experts in information technology (big data analysis, artificial intelligence, etc.). We also have experts in economics – finance, public administration, public policy … who are knowledgeable about the political biosphere and the public sector environment. At the same time, some outstanding experts from chemistry, engineering, etc.
In particular, we have a team of legal experts who are good lawyers, have long-term experience and profound influence.
We have an executive team that will operate BCS according to the criteria of an extensive, reputable network specializing in strategic communication, reputation management, and crisis management. They are experienced people, having held key positions in large enterprises, public institutions, and banks.
All customer information will be kept strictly confidential. It is a professional rule of thumb about reputation management and crisis management.